• UTC+04:00
  • market rate$1 USD = 3.67 AED


You need to get an Arabic and English UAE birth certificate for your newborn. You will need both documents to get a passport and residence visa for your baby. You must apply within 30 days of the birth. You can also apply for a birth certificate from your home country at the same time as you apply for a passport. You can use your UAE birth certificate to apply for a passport from your home country but it does help to have a country of origin birth certificate too to avoid any future confusion.


  • Child born in the UAE (either private or government hospital)
  • Parents are UAE residents
What to bring
  • Passport and residence visas of both mother and father (originals and copies)
  • Marriage certificate attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (originals and copies)
  • Government health card or health insurance card of the mother
  • Notification of birth from hospital of delivery
  • Dhs.50 Arabic birth certificate
  • Dhs.50 English birth certificate
  • Dhs.30 translation fee
  • Dhs.20 Ministry of Health attestation fee
  • Dhs.155 Ministry of Foreign Affairs attestation fee – per document
  • Dhs.130 health card (for newborn)


  • Take both the Arabic and the English birth certificates to get them attested by both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Register the birth with your home embassy to ensure that your child can apply for a passport with that country. The process differs depending on your nationality, so consult your embassy for the exact requirements.
  • It will usually take up to six months from registering the birth for your embassy to issue the birth certificate.