• UTC+04:00
  • market rate$1 USD = 3.67 AED


The standard of maternity healthcare in the UAE, whether you choose to go to a private or government hospital, is excellent. As long as you have insurance or the means to pay for healthcare, there is no reason to return to your home country to give birth.


  • You must be married
What to bring
  • Health card (government hospitals)
  • Insurance card (private hospitals)
  • Passport of both parents (originals and copies)
  • Attested marriage certificate
  • Fees (check with your hospitals of choice for maternity packages)


  • Select a hospital based on your health insurance, location and any recommendations.
  • During your pregnancy, you will need to have numerous tests, checks and scans on a regular basis (usually monthly at first; then weekly as your due date approaches). You can pay for your antenatal visits as a package (upfront) or on a visit-by-visit basis. The delivery will be performed by the doctor who treats you throughout your pregnancy, rather than a midwife.
  • You can choose to have all your antenatal care at a local clinic, as many doctors at such clinics are also authorised to deliver at certain hospitals.
  • You will often have the option to sign up for a maternity package which will set a flat fee and may or may not include an epidural, C-section delivery, multiple births, nappies etc – so do check before the contractions start!
  • After the baby is born, the hospital will require the necessary documentation to prepare the baby’s notification of birth — you should bring these documents with you to the hospital (passport copy of mother and father, and marriage certificate), along with a Dhs.50 fee.